Calvary Baptist Church (1960), a church designed by Gabriel Andrew Moses McKissack IV in Bay Shore, NY.
Zion Baptist Church (1962), a church designed by Gabriel Andrew Moses McKissack IV in Washington, DC.
Gabriel Andrew Moses McKissack IV, an architect and contractor with buildings in Memphis, Nashville, and Indianapolis.
Rufus C. and Elma G. Cheek Residence (1949), a house designed and built by Gabriel Andrew Moses McKissack IV in Nashville, Tennessee.
Christ Temple Apostolic Church (1970s), church additions designed or built by Gabriel Andrew Moses McKissack IV in Indianapolis, Indiana.
New Bethel Baptist Church (1958), church addition designed or built by Gabriel Andrew Moses McKissack IV in Indianapolis, Indiana.
New Garfield Baptist Church, a church designed or built by Gabriel Andrew Moses McKissack IV in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Douglass Memorial Hospital, a hospital renovated by Gabriel Andrew Moses McKissack IV in Kansas City, Kansas.
Tymesia Johnson Residence (1998), a house designed by Linda Tymesia Gravely Johnson in Greensboro, North Carolina.
Clinton Eugene Gravely Residence (1977), a house designed by Linda Tymesia Gravely Johnson in Greensboro, North Carolina.